Michael-Bogdan Marginanu is a biomedical scientist with 13 years of experience in research institutions worldwide, including Germany, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Ireland, Austria, the US, Switzerland, and Romania. A 2018 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings alumnus, he co-founded the Lindau Mentoring Hub and established Biomentorhub, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to mentoring young scientists and promoting bioentrepreneurship in Romania. His scientific work is complemented by a deep commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the next generation of researchers and entrepreneurs. Michael-Bogdan’s efforts in developing bio-entrepreneurship in Romania are aimed at creating opportunities for young scientists, bridging international knowledge with local potential, and building a vibrant, supportive community for life sciences advancement.
“My mission as a co-founder, team lead and facilitator is helping each team member bring the most valuable contribution to creating a first community-driven happy culture bioscience innovation hub in Romania.”